Monday, August 6, 2012

Doppelgangers and more

But to answer your questions, we haven't cooked yet once... I bought everything to make chili but we don't have time to cook... we barely eat even haha, we have plenty of money but we're just always busy so we skip dinner a lot. But when we do eat we just get take out.. we're pretty healthy.. nbd. But something funny I forgot to tell you guys... My companion is a doppelganger.... He looks.... no joke..... Like Harry Potter lolzlolzlolz. We haven't taken any pictures yet so maybe next week cause we've been busy... This weeks been awesome though, still trying to find some solid people to teach.. but just before we came to email... goodness gracious.... So we got a referral from Church Headquarters to see this guy cause he wanted a blessing, and our Zone leaders gave him to us cause he's sick at the moment... and it was ridiculous how it all worked out... we were definitely the missionaries that were supposed to see him... He has really been struggling. So we just taught him for a little bit and gave him a blessing and the spirit was pretty ridiculous... It's my 2nd week only and this guy committed himself to baptism, I was like.... well dat koo... hahaha. We met with a former investigator and he's like... "so yeah uhm... i just wanted to come in to see if you guys got like an update for me or anything" We were like.... yeah the Gospel is the same since you last learned.. there's no updates.... then he was just confused and wanted an update hahaha. Also another funny story... So we talked to this violinist busking on the street.... and no joke.... he lectured me.... not my companion.... me.... he started talking straight at me for 20mins... lecturing me on parental controls on computers and how useful they are.... and you know when your trying not to smile but your lips start quivering with smiling?... I was doing that... then just lost it and basically laughed straight in his face hahaha.... that wasn't too good.... Yeah a lot of weird things lately... And the weather is AMAZING here... Idk why your asking though mom... I'm sure you have a widget of Sydney weather and you just stare at it along with my picture thinking.... oh 5degrees.... he'll need a coat.... hmmm... yeah... thatll help... hahaha. And also to answer the other questions... our flat is a couple blocks away from the church.... and the teaching center is the 1st floor of this office building... and the 2nd floor is the church and it's just rented out... so yup. But hope you guys are doing good, love you byeeeeee

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