But gahhhhh.... Tell Ashley, Callyn and Tiffany I'm sorry for not
writing yet... Next P-Day I'm seriously planning the WHOLE p-day to do
nothing but just write so I can reply to them... and Sundays... pfft...
You wouldn't believe it... That's supposed to be the most relaxing day
of the week right? For missionaries it's the most hectic/stressful.. I
barely get to enjoy sacrament meeting haha. We have to call all our
Recent Converts and Investigators for church and have fellowships for
each of them then some fellowships dont show up so you have to take care
of like a billion people... Then we have Missionary Coordination
meeting, then district evaluation, then weekly planning, then calls for
setting lessons during the week... and down time doesn't exist here...
they give you 9:30-10:30 to unwind etc. but in the city we have to keep
making calls and planning... It's tough work but I love it... we have
more miracles with the more work we do. And I was reading in Preach My Gospel this morning and found something
hilarious I've never seen before! Hahaha, "The Spirit does not get our
attention by shouting or shaking us with a heavy hands. Rather it
whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are preoccupied we may not
feel it at all. (No wonder that the word of wisdom was revealed to us,
for how could the drunkard or the addict feel such a voice?)" BOOM! I
LOLed when I read that.
This week was super awesome though... we got this AWESOME investigator... she's a referral from one of our golden recent converts. But
we were meeting with her on the 3rd visit and she pulls out her Book of Mormon all marked with notes everywhere and bookmarks and came willing
to learn... She even told her mom in China she was learning about our
church and so her mom is going to go to Hong Kong to pick up a Book of Mormon to read!!! MIRACLE! And we also met this awesome girl from Norway but her mom is from Philippines so she
visits every year... and her uncle is the Bishop there, so she's learned
before and willing to learn again! So cool! We also have this super cool golden awesome blossom amazing golden member
who said he will give me subway for free for a whole year when I visit
him in Guangzhou after my mission, I'm essited! We got a lot of good things
happening right now so we're trying to keep it up! We're so so busy though! Usually we struggle to
get our investigators to church and baptismal services etc... but this
week we had 7 investigators come to the baptism and church! o.O And we
broke a zone record of investigators who attended sacrament meeting! It
was 28 before and we got 30 yesterday! BOOM! Love you byeee!!
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