Monday, June 9, 2014

My last email as a full-time missionary

Well... This is my last email as a full-time missionary. I never thought this day would come... but to say the least.. I'm excited and nervous for the future.. But I know God has great plans in store for me. I just want to take this time as my last email to try and convey all that my mission has meant to me and helped me become.. 

It's an amazing and humbling feeling.. being at this stage... where you can look into the mirror... 2 years later... and knowing full well... the person staring back at you in the mirror... could not have been developed but by Jesus Christ and His Atonement. 

I came into the mission SUPER YSA(as you know) hahaha, and somewhat of a small testimony and even smaller skills of teaching and scripture knowledge.. for goodness sake I hadn't even finished the Book of Mormon once before I came on my mission... From a prospect on paper of these statistics... I was a long shot to become a good missionary... or better yet a good disciple. But what is the spark of all things... is what we recite EVERY DAY as missionaries... but what is often overlooked... D&C 4:3- "..if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work..". I had a desire to serve God and not much else. Which made my growing process all the more interesting :p .. I was often looked down upon by members for not knowing enough or for being not the best teacher..  

And that's the next big test.. How great is your desire?.. Is it enough to get you through persecution? Your own self doubt and discouragement?.. For myself.. it made me want to grow even more.. I studied harder.. I prayed more intimately with Heavenly Father.. I pleaded for His help in my growing. I indeed prayed for "mountains to climb" EVERY single transfer of my mission. I knew if I was to grow and become all that He wanted me to be.. I had to give up my agency to Him and let Him guide me wherever I'm sent and whatever trial I am to pass through... and God heard my prayers.. Which made my mission THE ABSOLUTE BEST!... From a feeble minded point of view.... My mission was not easy at all... In fact you could say I had it pretty rough.. as does every single missionary... Because that is what God intends it to be. Some missionaries say.. "I don't remember my bad times very much.. but for my good times.. I could tell you each one in detail."

For myself.. I can tell you my worst times in absolute detail.. because they are indeed my best times. They are the reason for my growing and compelling me to get on my knees and acknowledge "I can't do it alone... I need Your help!"... Through such experiences I am His witness of His perfect Atonement. And that's what makes my good times even more sweeter. I have been able to be an agent in helping another's conversion.. to see people be baptized, to help them be sealed, even go on missions and receive their endowments! My absolute favorite is hearing your investigator pray FOR THE FIRST TIME.. and they say- "Dear Heavenly Father, I'm Kevin, Nice to meet you.." AHHH! THAT'S THE BEST! Even to meet with people who have had questions FOR SO LONG... and you are able to be guided by the Spirit... and see the look on their face... and the smile through their tears...that you have been an answer to their prayer... ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE!

I.Am.So.Grateful for the Lord's infinite wisdom and mercy for each of us.. He could convert people better a million different other ways.. perhaps by sending an angel or visiting the nations Himself in all His glory.. but no... He doesn't do any of that... instead He sends 18-21yr. old boys and girls... because that is the only and best way... the Lord could convert me... was through serving a mission... 

For the past 2 years I've been able to kneel down each night and say to the Lord- "I did my best.. I did all I could to help your children today.. Now if you will let me rest. I will get up and do it all over for you again tomorrow.Will you accept this days offering?".... And for the past 720+ days... I've been able to know the Lord has accepted my mission. Sydney, Australia is not beautiful for the Opera House, nor the Harbour Bridge or the beautiful beaches they have here... It is beautiful to me because this is my Sacred Grove. This is where I came to know...before I used to believe... But now.. I know. 

I now will finish my mission as His disciple forever. I am successful because I gave every thing I had. I am converted because my ministry will not finish when I'm home. I will continue to weary out my days in sharing the gospel with others. Because these "strangers".. are our brothers and sisters. I know I could not have done this if it wasn't for each one of you as well.. Mom, Dad, Rach and Jared.. You've been my absolute fan club and because of that.. It will make it that much sweeter when I'm able to see and hug you in 1 week. I love you and thank you for every thing. I promise I will only continue to grow from here. See you next week =D

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