Sunday, December 22, 2013

Led by the Spirit

So I was on trade-offs with a pretty new missionary, Elder W.  He's so good though for how young he is in the mission (plus he's 18).. We set goals that we were going to find 2 New Investigators, give out 5 Books of Mormon all by doing this survey that we're doing in the mission. We were walking the whole day cause neither of us could drive and we were getting shut down the whole morning.. we were talking to every one and not one person listened... We kept on going and talked to this one guy on the way to lunch and he wasn't interested at all.. but we kept persisting and it turned out.. he agreed to take the 2 minute survey... but soon after we realized he loved talking :) .. 30 minutes later haha as we have discussed heaps of gospel topics.. he smiled and then chuckled a bit and said 'Ya know... me and my partner have been searching for a church to go to for about 12 months.. and we just barely moved here and you guys show up... I'll come to your church!"....Sometimes we are led by the spirit... not even knowing that we are being placed in the path of others lives that we can change.. But we earn these such tender mercies by our obedience to previous promptings which we follow, no matter how big or small they are.... And so we taught him a bit and set a return appointment to meet up again... BOOM! 1st New Investigator... 
So after lunch we continued talking with every one and come the time of the end of our trade off... we were walking home.. we had added 1 New Investigator.. gave out 4 Books of Mormon... and we were about 500 meters away from home so we could evaluate the day... when we saw this kid in the distance walking his dog.. We both looked at each other and were like.. We are giving this kid a Book of Mormon no matter what!.. Even if we give it to his dog, we wanted to accomplish our goal!... So he's walking by us and has headphones in.. and we stop and wave him down.. but he keeps walking... so we were like... faiirdinkum... then after he walks past us about 2 feet... he takes out his headphones and says.. "I'm sorry, did you say something to me?".. We were like, Yeah! We're missionaries just going around the area here doing a quick survey... And we asked him the first question.. "Is a close, strong family important to you?"... And he replies- "Yeah it really is! My brother died 2 years ago... so I don't know if I'll ever see him again but my family means every thing!"... And just from that we were able to have the most legit lesson right there on this street... I pulled open the Book of Mormon and taught him where his brother is right now... and testified that he will see him again... and then Elder W bore his testimony as well.. and through it all, this kid in Year 8 started crying and invited us back over to his house next week!.... I know with a surety that God hears our prayers.. and knows our thoughts and innermost desires.. This kid had been asking himself every day 'What's the point of life if we come here to live and then just die.. never to live again?'... And he was walking his dog listening to his music pondering that same question when he met us... the last person we spoke with that day.. was an answer to his prayer and also ours. 

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