Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Excitement and Charity

So I'll fill you in a bit of what's been happeninnnn.... So when I got transferred back to the City 2 weeks ago.. President and the AP's told me they're sending me there to help bring back the member unity with missionaries and to spark the work back into the legendary city status.... NO PRESSURE.... Haha. So we've been contemplating on how to exactly accomplish this task... And it was indeed heaven sent that we got to speak with an RM that served in the City about 2 years ago when it was in it's legendary status.. He gave us some advice.. One in which taught me a huge lesson.. It's to be the example of excitement and charity... So the first time I had the chance to use this advice came when I was on Trade-Offs with our District Leader.. My goal for that exchange was to merely pump him up so he could convey that excitement to his district.. So I was praying so hard so that we could see miracles that morning.. and the first miracle started off in my personal study... I was reading 3 Nephi 28:1.. and Jesus asked this penetrating question to His disciples... "What is it that ye desire of me, after that I am gone to the Father?" I pondered that morning and asked myself... What do I desire from God today?.... and the thought came to me... I want to build excitement in the Zone.. well... how do I do that?.... Then I thought... 'I want to pull 2 people off the street... give them a chapel tour and add them as investigators!'... So we finished our studies and started out 10am on the streets in the City to go GQ'ing... Within the first 5 minutes I started talking to this Chinese guy named W.. He was heading in the direction of the Chapel.. so we were just walking and chatting about what I do as a missionary.. and then he stops EXACTLY AT THE CORNER of the Chapel and says.. "I need to go now to a job appointment actually... bye!"... then I thought... "My desire is to pull 2 people off... so I'm doing just that!".. I went and stopped him and just said.. "Awh just before you go.. this is actually our chapel!.. Come and check it out.."And I started motioning towards the door... AND HE FOLLOWED!... Then I waved down my companion down the street and he ran over and we gave him a chapel tour and taught him... and ADDED HIM AS AN INVESTIGATOR!... And he said during our lesson "I haven't learned about God before.. but I think if I did I would believe!"... And he accepted to come to church and continue learning! Sooo legit!... 

Now.. as we were walking out... to continue our finding.. we were pumped!...And at that moment I was pondering the counsel from the RM  to be the example of excitement and charity to your Zone.. so I stopped right there before we went out finding and gave him W's contact details and said... "Here... He's yours to take care of now... take care of him!"... And the Elder looked at me with so much excitement and was like THANK YOUUUU!!!!..... So if we were pumped before... now we were extraX1000 hahah. 

We went out and continued finding... And AGAIN... within the first.. maybe 3 minutes... I talked to a girl not even 5 feet away from where I met W.. and she seemed super interested... And obviously taking note of my desire this morning.. I said.. "Would you like to come and see our Church? It's just right down the road!"... She readily agreed... And once again.. we gave her a tour, lesson and she then said "My grandparents who never believed in God... Became Christian their last few years of life.. and I always wondered why that was... and where they are...I would like to find out.." she agreed to come to church as well... That then ADDING OUR 2ND INVESTIGATOR... within the first 30 minutes of our trade-off hahaha.... I then did the same thing... I gave K's contact details to the Elder and said.. "Take good care of her".... 

We then went to teach heaps of lessons after this great start to our day.. even setting a baptismal date with one of their investigators..

The lesson I learned from this experience is not only that of desire.... but how much excitement and charity can effect others for good.. The word Enthusiasm.. comes from the Greek word.. "Entheos" When the Greeks were asked to describe the way they lived... It was 'Entheos'.. Which meant-Having God be with you.. or Spirit be with you... So we should be Enthusiastic in every sense of the word... 

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