Sunday, April 28, 2013

Man of God

Well for this week... My companion's back was still broken... so week 2 of studying my brains out was completed... He's now actually better so we'll be working for sure this week... But we did have miracles still happen which added to the miraculousness of them because the 2 times we left the flat this week... we had them happen haha.
#1. We went on Tuesday to a Physio to see what's wrong with his back (turns out it was a slipped-disc) but we walk into the waiting room and this old guy looks at me and says "man of God".... I just laughed and said "that's right"... Then he went on to say his best friend for 68 years was a mormon and he lived with him when missionaries came over all the time.. So he knew quite a bit about our religion... And we had a good chat and as he was leaving I asked if we could come over to his house and share a message with him and he accepted!... I was like "YESSSSSSS!" Cause obviously it was the first missionary work I've done in like a week haha. Then the receptionist over heard and was looking at me... I just said "you wanna hear a message too?" She was like nah hahaha. 
Miracle #2... The 2nd time we left the flat we were going to a dinner appointment... And another side-story... we were on the bus and we hopped on last minute while the bus was at a stoplight... so it was red as we were buying the tickets... then I'm waiting for change as it turns green then he told me to go sit down real quick and get it later... and so me and my companion go to sit down and he takes off and we both go flying down the aisle of the bus and smack into this pole hahahah, and my companion's week of recovery just went down the drain lolz. But at least people will remember missionaries.. those ones that fell on the bus :)... Well anyways... after we got off the bus we went to our dinner appointment... and we were 15 minutes early... so we went to walk around and talk to some people... And then I look at this lady on this bike and she stops... and is just staring at me... I was like.. "What. the. awkward."... Then she says "Hey Elder!"... So I go over to talk to her and it turns out she's been living in AUS for 2 years and she's a less active from the Philippines.. she also has a non-member husband and she asked us where church is so they can come!! So we got her details and she's going to come! WOO HOOO!!! (once again I was very excited due to the lack of work we've done) hahaha. 
And for my birthday! It was S-W-E-E-T... That stands for Some White Elephants Eat Turkey.... My Bishop threw me a little birthday party and invited a bunch of families over for dinner, it was indeed awesome! I haven't had home-made mexican food since like... in Christchurch... Then on my actual birthday this other family invited families over as well and one of them actually had come to Bishops too and I was just thinking... "I hope they like mexican".. Cause I requested that again hahah #Mexicanblood. So overall it was a pretty good birthday... Got to take the sacrament... best present everrrrr...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Crazy Miracles!

I shallst share with you one crazy miracle though!! So when I first arrived in the area.. obviously we knew nothing about it so we searched through our area book and found this guy "P"... He had a baptismal date and his teaching record had no indication that he'd been dropped or anything.... So we knocked on his door and no answer... and looked like he didn't live there anymore.... Then a couple months pass... and this past tuesday... we were walking down the street and this white van beeps at us and then pulls over and stops.... first thing I thought... "White van... pedophile... kidnap.. dead".... So the guy gets out and he's like "MISSIONARIES!!! HOW ARE YOU?!?!"... We were like... who in the heck is this guy.... he's being real friendly though... (as kidnappers do)... I was just waiting for him to ask me to come in the van to look for his puppy but he told us something even better!.... "come round my house at -------- and have a feed sometime!" And missionaries never refuse food... I don't care if I get kidnapped I was like "YEAH SWEET! FOOD!" hahah, and then he leaves and we think not much of it... we were just wondering... who the heck was that guy... then later that day it hit me.... the address... THAT'S WHERE "P" LIVES! We were shocked as, and we go back through our area book and he lived with his wife who had a baptismal date as well!! And I don't know how contact was lost but they were both still keen!... I knew Heavenly Father placed us in P's path that day as he was driving so we could get in contact again! He is mindful of ALL his children.
But I shallst tell you about this sweet old lady we tracted into! Her name is Granny S! Hahah, she turned 91 the next day from when we met her! But she's as energetic as a teenager haha. But what was crazy she told us she had been wondering the past 3 years where missionaries had been because she used to see us walking around all the time. But because they gave this area a car she never saw them since... so that day we decided to walk and boom, we found her! And before we talked to her she was wondering that day again where the missionaries were.... And so we're going to go visit her and teach her!! The Lord doesn't care what age you areeeee, he wants you to be dippin in them waters of repentance! hahaha. No but seriously it was awesome!