Monday, June 9, 2014

What I've learned on my mission

"The first miracle you will witness in the mission field is the miracle of your own conversion." This is what Elder Pearson said my 2nd week in the MTC. After hearing that I first thought to myself, "That's absolute rubbish, the reason we're coming on missions is to convert others!" Now having only 1 week left, I know what he means.

Over the course of my last 23 months I have learned lessons that I would not have learned if I didn't serve a mission. This is truly getting a glimpse of what it means to have your own personal ministry. Take a journey with me to see a portion of what I've learned on my mission:

I have learned Section 121:33-46 is not a recitation, it is a lifestyle.
I have learned anger is a poison you drink hoping your enemy dies.
I have learned having a good attitude is a choice.
I have learned when you ONLY email good things home you will have an increase of optimism.
I have learned transfers and companions are inspired of God.
I have learned diligence without passion is vain diligence.
I have learned to reprove someone without love creates enemies.
I have learned on the flip side, to reprove someone with love creates eternal friendships.
I have learned charity, patience, understanding etc. are spiritual gifts you can pray for.
I have learned humility starts by Always Remembering Him.
I have learned family is the most important social unit in time and all eternity. 

I have learned when we make ourselves willing and available, miracles happen.
I have learned that when we acknowledge God's hand in such miracles, MORE miracles happen.
I have learned a righteous desire coupled with exact obedience allows us to realistically accomplish the impossible.
I have learned to NEVER say no to a calling. ALWAYS say yes.
I have learned the mission can go as fast as you want it to by working.
I have learned to not worry about what I cannot control.
I have learned to never forfeit my family from the blessings that come with faithful missionary service.
I have learned this mission is not my 'Best 2 Years' but merely a portal to the best years Heavenly Father has in store for me.
I have learned that there is no such thing as 'too far gone'.
I have learned when we fail to plan, we plan to fail.
I have learned pride destroys people and damns the progression of that soul or people.

I have learned the best missionaries I've ever seen, struggle for a time and come out triumphant.
I have learned people who have made more mistakes have a great gift, empathy.
I have learned the Lord regards our sacrifice/commitment more than numbers.
I have learned if every one prayed for understanding, a lot of heart ache would be avoided.
I have learned a missionary without a vision ALWAYS struggles the most.
I have learned on the flip side, a missionary with a vision is on higher ground to lift those in need. 
I have learned silence is affirmation.
I have learned communication is EVERY THING within a companionship.
I have learned if you show genuine gratitude, people are willing to do more for you.
I have learned when you go home you won't remember numbers but instead NAMES.
I have learned that His words are sure and shall not fail us.

I have learned that I will not know any better than I do now, that: 
Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Truly He was the Son of God.
The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and my testimony. 
God the Eternal Father does all things out of unconditional love.
Prophets and Apostles have restored priesthood keys on the earth today.

Elders and Sisters, this mission experience is not 100% to convert others. It is to convert YOU, the missionary. The Lord is investing these 18-24 months in you so that you can go home and be a kingdom builder. You will have your own unique set of "I have learned.." statements. The real test is whether you stay true to what you have learned on your mission when you go home. The Australia Sydney North Mission led by President and Sister Howes under the direction of Christ our Master is my Sacred Grove. I will continue my ministry when I go home and reflect on my mission experience every day of my life. I will weary my friends and my family with my mission stories. I add my voice to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "I loved my mission as I am sure no young man has ever loved one before or since." I testify of these things and will continue to do so until I draw my last breath. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My last email as a full-time missionary

Well... This is my last email as a full-time missionary. I never thought this day would come... but to say the least.. I'm excited and nervous for the future.. But I know God has great plans in store for me. I just want to take this time as my last email to try and convey all that my mission has meant to me and helped me become.. 

It's an amazing and humbling feeling.. being at this stage... where you can look into the mirror... 2 years later... and knowing full well... the person staring back at you in the mirror... could not have been developed but by Jesus Christ and His Atonement. 

I came into the mission SUPER YSA(as you know) hahaha, and somewhat of a small testimony and even smaller skills of teaching and scripture knowledge.. for goodness sake I hadn't even finished the Book of Mormon once before I came on my mission... From a prospect on paper of these statistics... I was a long shot to become a good missionary... or better yet a good disciple. But what is the spark of all things... is what we recite EVERY DAY as missionaries... but what is often overlooked... D&C 4:3- "..if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work..". I had a desire to serve God and not much else. Which made my growing process all the more interesting :p .. I was often looked down upon by members for not knowing enough or for being not the best teacher..  

And that's the next big test.. How great is your desire?.. Is it enough to get you through persecution? Your own self doubt and discouragement?.. For myself.. it made me want to grow even more.. I studied harder.. I prayed more intimately with Heavenly Father.. I pleaded for His help in my growing. I indeed prayed for "mountains to climb" EVERY single transfer of my mission. I knew if I was to grow and become all that He wanted me to be.. I had to give up my agency to Him and let Him guide me wherever I'm sent and whatever trial I am to pass through... and God heard my prayers.. Which made my mission THE ABSOLUTE BEST!... From a feeble minded point of view.... My mission was not easy at all... In fact you could say I had it pretty rough.. as does every single missionary... Because that is what God intends it to be. Some missionaries say.. "I don't remember my bad times very much.. but for my good times.. I could tell you each one in detail."

For myself.. I can tell you my worst times in absolute detail.. because they are indeed my best times. They are the reason for my growing and compelling me to get on my knees and acknowledge "I can't do it alone... I need Your help!"... Through such experiences I am His witness of His perfect Atonement. And that's what makes my good times even more sweeter. I have been able to be an agent in helping another's conversion.. to see people be baptized, to help them be sealed, even go on missions and receive their endowments! My absolute favorite is hearing your investigator pray FOR THE FIRST TIME.. and they say- "Dear Heavenly Father, I'm Kevin, Nice to meet you.." AHHH! THAT'S THE BEST! Even to meet with people who have had questions FOR SO LONG... and you are able to be guided by the Spirit... and see the look on their face... and the smile through their tears...that you have been an answer to their prayer... ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE!

I.Am.So.Grateful for the Lord's infinite wisdom and mercy for each of us.. He could convert people better a million different other ways.. perhaps by sending an angel or visiting the nations Himself in all His glory.. but no... He doesn't do any of that... instead He sends 18-21yr. old boys and girls... because that is the only and best way... the Lord could convert me... was through serving a mission... 

For the past 2 years I've been able to kneel down each night and say to the Lord- "I did my best.. I did all I could to help your children today.. Now if you will let me rest. I will get up and do it all over for you again tomorrow.Will you accept this days offering?".... And for the past 720+ days... I've been able to know the Lord has accepted my mission. Sydney, Australia is not beautiful for the Opera House, nor the Harbour Bridge or the beautiful beaches they have here... It is beautiful to me because this is my Sacred Grove. This is where I came to know...before I used to believe... But now.. I know. 

I now will finish my mission as His disciple forever. I am successful because I gave every thing I had. I am converted because my ministry will not finish when I'm home. I will continue to weary out my days in sharing the gospel with others. Because these "strangers".. are our brothers and sisters. I know I could not have done this if it wasn't for each one of you as well.. Mom, Dad, Rach and Jared.. You've been my absolute fan club and because of that.. It will make it that much sweeter when I'm able to see and hug you in 1 week. I love you and thank you for every thing. I promise I will only continue to grow from here. See you next week =D

Monday, June 2, 2014

God Calls Imperfect People

We went on 4 trade-offs this week.. had my last Zone Training Meeting.. AND had to prepare a Stake Missionary Fireside.... farrr outttt I've had the best sleeps every night this week... I was so dead haha. But some of the highlights... 
 It's amazing.. looking back on my mission... I've truly been blessed from being trusted by my fellow missionaries!... Ever since I became a Zone Leader about a year ago.. I remember going to my first Mission Leadership Council and thinking... "How on earth am I to lead and inspire a Zone?".. "All of these missionaries are SO GOOD... how am I going to step up?"... But right then I decided I wasn't going to even compare my attributes of leadership to theirs.. I just thought of what meant most to me... All of my leaders... Their teaching skills and finding was HEAPS good... but after all was said and done I realized what I remembered most was their love and care for me.. So I made the resolve that when someone thought of 'Elder Ball'.. they wouldn't say "Awhh he was a beast teacher!"... but rather.. "He was a friend... and he truly cared about me.. and loved me"... And I worked for that ever since by serving missionaries... and every thing else came with time.. It's actually pretty funny.. We were in Stake MCM.. and President Hamilton asked President Howes.. "Who's a dynamo in your mission?.. Someone who is just amazing".. And President Howes thought about it.. then looked at me and said "Elder Ball!" He then went on to explain why... but to be honest.. I could care less! My ministry isn't about my teaching.. But my care for others... 

The reason I bring this up is because this Elder I've known for a long time.. I was on trade-offs with him and he just broke down crying asking for help... Long story short.. I was able to pray for the Spirit to inspire me and give him appropriate advice... In result.. I've never seen him this happy.. in a long long time.. I'm grateful that God calls imperfect people to His ministry so that we may be instruments in helping to bring about great things here in this short time on earth.