Monday, June 9, 2014

What I've learned on my mission

"The first miracle you will witness in the mission field is the miracle of your own conversion." This is what Elder Pearson said my 2nd week in the MTC. After hearing that I first thought to myself, "That's absolute rubbish, the reason we're coming on missions is to convert others!" Now having only 1 week left, I know what he means.

Over the course of my last 23 months I have learned lessons that I would not have learned if I didn't serve a mission. This is truly getting a glimpse of what it means to have your own personal ministry. Take a journey with me to see a portion of what I've learned on my mission:

I have learned Section 121:33-46 is not a recitation, it is a lifestyle.
I have learned anger is a poison you drink hoping your enemy dies.
I have learned having a good attitude is a choice.
I have learned when you ONLY email good things home you will have an increase of optimism.
I have learned transfers and companions are inspired of God.
I have learned diligence without passion is vain diligence.
I have learned to reprove someone without love creates enemies.
I have learned on the flip side, to reprove someone with love creates eternal friendships.
I have learned charity, patience, understanding etc. are spiritual gifts you can pray for.
I have learned humility starts by Always Remembering Him.
I have learned family is the most important social unit in time and all eternity. 

I have learned when we make ourselves willing and available, miracles happen.
I have learned that when we acknowledge God's hand in such miracles, MORE miracles happen.
I have learned a righteous desire coupled with exact obedience allows us to realistically accomplish the impossible.
I have learned to NEVER say no to a calling. ALWAYS say yes.
I have learned the mission can go as fast as you want it to by working.
I have learned to not worry about what I cannot control.
I have learned to never forfeit my family from the blessings that come with faithful missionary service.
I have learned this mission is not my 'Best 2 Years' but merely a portal to the best years Heavenly Father has in store for me.
I have learned that there is no such thing as 'too far gone'.
I have learned when we fail to plan, we plan to fail.
I have learned pride destroys people and damns the progression of that soul or people.

I have learned the best missionaries I've ever seen, struggle for a time and come out triumphant.
I have learned people who have made more mistakes have a great gift, empathy.
I have learned the Lord regards our sacrifice/commitment more than numbers.
I have learned if every one prayed for understanding, a lot of heart ache would be avoided.
I have learned a missionary without a vision ALWAYS struggles the most.
I have learned on the flip side, a missionary with a vision is on higher ground to lift those in need. 
I have learned silence is affirmation.
I have learned communication is EVERY THING within a companionship.
I have learned if you show genuine gratitude, people are willing to do more for you.
I have learned when you go home you won't remember numbers but instead NAMES.
I have learned that His words are sure and shall not fail us.

I have learned that I will not know any better than I do now, that: 
Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Truly He was the Son of God.
The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and my testimony. 
God the Eternal Father does all things out of unconditional love.
Prophets and Apostles have restored priesthood keys on the earth today.

Elders and Sisters, this mission experience is not 100% to convert others. It is to convert YOU, the missionary. The Lord is investing these 18-24 months in you so that you can go home and be a kingdom builder. You will have your own unique set of "I have learned.." statements. The real test is whether you stay true to what you have learned on your mission when you go home. The Australia Sydney North Mission led by President and Sister Howes under the direction of Christ our Master is my Sacred Grove. I will continue my ministry when I go home and reflect on my mission experience every day of my life. I will weary my friends and my family with my mission stories. I add my voice to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "I loved my mission as I am sure no young man has ever loved one before or since." I testify of these things and will continue to do so until I draw my last breath. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My last email as a full-time missionary

Well... This is my last email as a full-time missionary. I never thought this day would come... but to say the least.. I'm excited and nervous for the future.. But I know God has great plans in store for me. I just want to take this time as my last email to try and convey all that my mission has meant to me and helped me become.. 

It's an amazing and humbling feeling.. being at this stage... where you can look into the mirror... 2 years later... and knowing full well... the person staring back at you in the mirror... could not have been developed but by Jesus Christ and His Atonement. 

I came into the mission SUPER YSA(as you know) hahaha, and somewhat of a small testimony and even smaller skills of teaching and scripture knowledge.. for goodness sake I hadn't even finished the Book of Mormon once before I came on my mission... From a prospect on paper of these statistics... I was a long shot to become a good missionary... or better yet a good disciple. But what is the spark of all things... is what we recite EVERY DAY as missionaries... but what is often overlooked... D&C 4:3- "..if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work..". I had a desire to serve God and not much else. Which made my growing process all the more interesting :p .. I was often looked down upon by members for not knowing enough or for being not the best teacher..  

And that's the next big test.. How great is your desire?.. Is it enough to get you through persecution? Your own self doubt and discouragement?.. For myself.. it made me want to grow even more.. I studied harder.. I prayed more intimately with Heavenly Father.. I pleaded for His help in my growing. I indeed prayed for "mountains to climb" EVERY single transfer of my mission. I knew if I was to grow and become all that He wanted me to be.. I had to give up my agency to Him and let Him guide me wherever I'm sent and whatever trial I am to pass through... and God heard my prayers.. Which made my mission THE ABSOLUTE BEST!... From a feeble minded point of view.... My mission was not easy at all... In fact you could say I had it pretty rough.. as does every single missionary... Because that is what God intends it to be. Some missionaries say.. "I don't remember my bad times very much.. but for my good times.. I could tell you each one in detail."

For myself.. I can tell you my worst times in absolute detail.. because they are indeed my best times. They are the reason for my growing and compelling me to get on my knees and acknowledge "I can't do it alone... I need Your help!"... Through such experiences I am His witness of His perfect Atonement. And that's what makes my good times even more sweeter. I have been able to be an agent in helping another's conversion.. to see people be baptized, to help them be sealed, even go on missions and receive their endowments! My absolute favorite is hearing your investigator pray FOR THE FIRST TIME.. and they say- "Dear Heavenly Father, I'm Kevin, Nice to meet you.." AHHH! THAT'S THE BEST! Even to meet with people who have had questions FOR SO LONG... and you are able to be guided by the Spirit... and see the look on their face... and the smile through their tears...that you have been an answer to their prayer... ALL OF THIS AND SO MUCH MORE!

I.Am.So.Grateful for the Lord's infinite wisdom and mercy for each of us.. He could convert people better a million different other ways.. perhaps by sending an angel or visiting the nations Himself in all His glory.. but no... He doesn't do any of that... instead He sends 18-21yr. old boys and girls... because that is the only and best way... the Lord could convert me... was through serving a mission... 

For the past 2 years I've been able to kneel down each night and say to the Lord- "I did my best.. I did all I could to help your children today.. Now if you will let me rest. I will get up and do it all over for you again tomorrow.Will you accept this days offering?".... And for the past 720+ days... I've been able to know the Lord has accepted my mission. Sydney, Australia is not beautiful for the Opera House, nor the Harbour Bridge or the beautiful beaches they have here... It is beautiful to me because this is my Sacred Grove. This is where I came to know...before I used to believe... But now.. I know. 

I now will finish my mission as His disciple forever. I am successful because I gave every thing I had. I am converted because my ministry will not finish when I'm home. I will continue to weary out my days in sharing the gospel with others. Because these "strangers".. are our brothers and sisters. I know I could not have done this if it wasn't for each one of you as well.. Mom, Dad, Rach and Jared.. You've been my absolute fan club and because of that.. It will make it that much sweeter when I'm able to see and hug you in 1 week. I love you and thank you for every thing. I promise I will only continue to grow from here. See you next week =D

Monday, June 2, 2014

God Calls Imperfect People

We went on 4 trade-offs this week.. had my last Zone Training Meeting.. AND had to prepare a Stake Missionary Fireside.... farrr outttt I've had the best sleeps every night this week... I was so dead haha. But some of the highlights... 
 It's amazing.. looking back on my mission... I've truly been blessed from being trusted by my fellow missionaries!... Ever since I became a Zone Leader about a year ago.. I remember going to my first Mission Leadership Council and thinking... "How on earth am I to lead and inspire a Zone?".. "All of these missionaries are SO GOOD... how am I going to step up?"... But right then I decided I wasn't going to even compare my attributes of leadership to theirs.. I just thought of what meant most to me... All of my leaders... Their teaching skills and finding was HEAPS good... but after all was said and done I realized what I remembered most was their love and care for me.. So I made the resolve that when someone thought of 'Elder Ball'.. they wouldn't say "Awhh he was a beast teacher!"... but rather.. "He was a friend... and he truly cared about me.. and loved me"... And I worked for that ever since by serving missionaries... and every thing else came with time.. It's actually pretty funny.. We were in Stake MCM.. and President Hamilton asked President Howes.. "Who's a dynamo in your mission?.. Someone who is just amazing".. And President Howes thought about it.. then looked at me and said "Elder Ball!" He then went on to explain why... but to be honest.. I could care less! My ministry isn't about my teaching.. But my care for others... 

The reason I bring this up is because this Elder I've known for a long time.. I was on trade-offs with him and he just broke down crying asking for help... Long story short.. I was able to pray for the Spirit to inspire me and give him appropriate advice... In result.. I've never seen him this happy.. in a long long time.. I'm grateful that God calls imperfect people to His ministry so that we may be instruments in helping to bring about great things here in this short time on earth.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

God Is Good

President Howes told the story of Bruce R. McConkie visiting his mission in Peru when he was serving... at the time he was AP... so he was translating what Elder McConkie was saying... and he said something that made the whole mission laugh... and Elder McConkie looked at President Howes and said.. "What are they laughing about?!?"... President replied.. "They're laughing because I go home in 3 weeks..."

Elder McConkie then put President under his arm and started poking at his chest whilst saying loudly... "YOU CAN DO MORE IN 3 WEEKS... THAN YOU'VE DONE IN YOUR PAST 2 YEARS!".... 
President commited us to think about what that meant... and after more discussion with President... we came to the conclusion... you necessarily can't do the same amount of work or work load in 3 weeks compared to 2 years obviously... It merely means.. You are more effective than you've ever been!... When you go home.. all of your experience and knowledge is taken with you!... Pass it down!!! Build the missionaries around you! Teach them every thing you have learned!... 

There is this flower in Hawaii... it's one of the most beautiful flowers ever!... But it grows and grows.... for 15-20 years..... It blooms for one day.... casts it's seeds.... and then DIES!.... And that's the principle.... CAST YOUR SEEDS!... Let missionaries grow into even better missionaries than you were!... And so I'm excited as!.. We've been having Preach My Gospel studies with individual Elders and Sisters 3x a week. And for my last 4 weeks... I have scheduled trade offs with EVERY single elder in our zone... 10 of them ;) So it's going to be really exciting! 

But let us all learn that principle of casting our seeds... whenever we learn something amazing... SHARE IT... I've come to know so much... that the majority of the people I have helped on my mission... have not been investigators.... but members.. and fellow missionaries... those who have already entered into the covenant... The Lord needs us to strengthen our fellow Saints. 


To start off... We had a baptism, WOOOOOO! His name is C, straight miracle. He was a referral from our previous baptism in March .. His first lesson we asked him.. "If God was in the room with us right now, what would you ask Him?".. He thought about it for a minute and then replied... "I would ask Him to make me 5cm taller" And then he just smiled hahaha. That was the start of our relationship.. Then through our teaching process he was keeping all of his commitments even through all of his finals and uni exams!#amazing!... Here's the true miracle though!... 

I confirmed him on yesterday on Sunday and when I said "Amen" he got up and started hugging every one in the circle.. then when I saw him.. his face was really red looking like he was going to cry.. and he's not a very emotional person... but he came up to us after and said.. "It's so weird!! I feel different!!.. Even when we say a prayer or sing a song... I feel way more different!!".. 
We asked him if it was a good different or bad?... He replied with a big smile.. "No it's a really good different!" 

I am so grateful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost.. Literally... the third member of the Godhead is promised to be your constant companion as you remain worthy of it.... HOW INCREDIBLE IS THAT?!?... And C was so humble and full of desire that he immediately recognized it!

Even another one of our investigators.. Who is a referral from C (Just referral line!) We were having a lesson with him and he says "You know.. I've seen a huge change in C! Why is that? He seems to smile and be a lot more happy!?"

We took out the Book of Mormon and said.. This is one reason. And another, is that he's received the Gift of the Holy Ghost!... And now Bright will be baptized June 14th.. WOOOO!! Too many miracles!!! 

The reason for so many miracles?... Elder W and I have been trying so hard to actually live up to our covenants we make on Sunday... and that is to "always remember him".. Every morning we acknowledge Jesus Christ is at the Head of this work, we see miracles. The days where we think we can do it or we forget.... #HUMBLED! Haha. If only we all could remember our Saviour Jesus Christ more often.. Even though I wear His name on my chest.. I want to remember Him more, but it comes with prayerful and diligent study of WHO HE IS and maintaining spiritual experiences. I'm truly grateful for Him and His Infinite Atonement!


I'm still on the count down of my final trade-offs with each Elder in the Zone... We kicked it off with Elder R.. and let me tell you... it was INSANE! Miracles upon miracles... it was as if the hand of God was smothering our face and saying.. "Can you handle it?! Can you handle the blessings?" hahaha. 

This Less Active asked US for a lesson for the first time in over a year!.. and she came in with questions she wanted answered by the Book of Mormon. And we answered EVERY single one. Then right after we had a lesson with a somewhat struggling Recent Convert... and long story short... He is now preparing to get sealed in the Temple as his goal!... then to top it off... We had another lesson with a less active member who approached US.. (two times in a day!!!).. And he wanted to come back to church and wanted to make the right steps to accomplish it!... Long story short... He is well on his way to coming back to God clean. 

All I can say is that God is good. He is our Father. We are His children. If we make ourselves available... He will give us trust to help His children and to hasten His work.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Power of Inspired Questions

By far one of the weirdest moments on my mission. We teach English Class every week on Thursdays.. and we only had 1 student there.. And at the same time we were about to go in to teach.. 2 of our investigators come in wanting to be taught!... So we were in a bit of a predicament... But then we thought... Well... How bout you (Elder W teach English Class... and I'll just be in the back and teach our Investigators... So we tried it out... Hahaha. It was sooooo hard. I relied on the Spirit the whole time... but a miraculous end result to our lesson... We set 2 baptismal dates with them for May 17th!.... They're both really solid too! They are referrals from our most recent baptism of C. 

It's amazing and incredibly humbling to have someone trust you as a missionary.. This past week we have been trusted so much.. not only by the Lord but by members!.. And the cherry on top was an email I just received from a previous member in one of the Wards I served in.. she's currently serving a mission and sent this to me: 

"It was so wonderful being able to learn so many things from you. 
Reaching out to the missionaries I think
at times can be difficult but what I learnt most importantly is trust.
Trust comes from seeing missionaries working hard, bearing their
testimony, the spirit that they radiate, so many things. But you were
one of the missionaries that I truly trusted. I think that comes the
same with giving referrals. I've been striving to become a missionary
of whom people can trust. I want the Lord to be able to trust me with
His children, to know that anyone He sends my way will at least have
the opportunity to feel of His spirit that must mean I am always
prepared. Gaining the members trust is key in this work and I think
that is something you definitely have down haha :)"

So whenever we receive spiritual promptings or an assignment/calling or perhaps a person in our circle of friends that we can share the gospel with.. We need to first immediately acknowledge that God trusts us. And second give gratitude to Him for that great trust!.. That goes along with the question you asked of my fav. talk in General Conference... THEY WERE ALL SO AMAZING!!!!! One that especially stuck out to me just for my situation as a missionary... was President Uchtdorf... Are you sleeping through the Restoration?.. What experiences can you share to contributing to the Restoration?.. Or will you merely be an observer... For if we have a sense of urgency to carry out this great work.. Trust will come! 

We had an investigator named J.. He's been super super good... UNTIL we taught him the commandments.. He straight up lost his desire for anything!.. We always thought Drinking was his biggest concern.. because that's what he portrayed.. But we dropped him for about a month.. called him up later and scheduled another lesson... IT WAS BREAK THROUGH!.. We for real witnessed him receive personal revelation right in front of us.. He said.. "you know what.. Maybe my faith was not being strengthened because I wasn't putting it in Jesus Christ... I think my major concern I don't know how life will be after baptism compared to now... my commandment concern is just minor"...

My companion and I just looked at each other like.. (OH MY GOODNESS CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS RIGHT NOW? OH PLEASE! HELP!!!)

It was amazing! It's truly a testament that as we teach clear, powerful doctrine.. they will be able to ponder.. Then the Spirit.. The Testator of Truth.. will come into their hearts.. We then committed him for baptism on May 17th!... To say the least... May 17th is going to be a really good day =D... We just have to help them all maintain positive experiences!

We went on priesthood trade offs with a ward member because we had MCM and a lesson at the same time. So I went with the member to teach this Recent Convert who is recently Less Active :( .. But she agreed to meet with us and I knew nothing about her. So we started off by introducing ourselves and we sang a song and said a prayer.. Then I was sitting there... and I asked her to share with us the reason she wanted to follow Christ... she opened up a bit but I could tell by her countenance and just discerned she was holding something back... and so I asked afterwards.. "What is difficult for you at this moment in your life?" ... And it was amazing to see her reaction... She looked down and said.. "Thank you..".... And she opened up every thing that was holding her back from full activity... And we then sat there and set goals for her and how she could overcome certain temptations and be fully active!.. 
It never ceases to amaze me how much we really do need to rely on the Spirit... we as a 'natural man' often fall into complacency of thinking we can do things on our own... It's easy to feel the Spirit and have the mindset... 'I want to ALWAYS rely on Him'...  But the real test is when that feeling is gone... what is your motive now?... Will you rely on your own strength?... or the Spirit of Him that created you?... 

Friday, April 11, 2014

You can always C.H.A.N.G.E!

 31 Mar
Well as for this week! We had so many tender mercies. I can honestly say this week I used my time more wisely than I have before... we had heaps of things we needed to take care of with the Zone and preparing for baptisms... but when we were on our way places we talked to every one we could!... On the way to the baptism both my companion and I taught like 4 lessons, pamphlets and all... and just showing the Lord that we were willing to go for it... He placed people in our paths!.. I had like.. no joke.. 3 people stop me specifically saying.. "I've been looking for a church! I'm interested in learning from you!"... I even had this guy approach me and said "I used to be a Jehovahs Witness... when I decided to search around other religions.. ALL of my family and friends disowned me... why would God leave me stranded for 5 years?!?"... We were in a rush so I said to him.. "What if I told you I can answer your question.." And he looked like a deer in the headlights.. gave me his number and we're planning to meet with him this week... 

It teaches the simple principle that if we do all we can... we follow EVERY prompting and do our best... the Lord will trust us with the big promptings and literally place people in our path... You look at Thomas S. Monson with his HUGE list of experiences his personal ministry holds.... it's because he follows this. 

I'm excited though for this and next transfer.. Got 11 weeks to give every thing I have.

 Apr 7

Well for this week... It was awesome blossom! I'm really grateful for my companion.. He's only been out for 8 months now... and he's killing it!.. Usually you would imagine for a missionary being out 22 months.. you would have to slow down to teach him some things of ZL life... but noooo! He's keeping right up with the pace.. So it's been awesome! We did 5 hours of finding on Tuesday and we saw absolute miracle after miracle! We set a really high baptismal goal for these last 2 transfers... so we know we are going to have to sacrifice to obtain it... So we're starting to do finding on P-Days.. during some lunch and dinner hours.. we're gonna do all we can to reach it!.. 
We already have one super solid potential that we just found.. his name is A. He's super prepared! So we know if we keep going, the Lord will place even more prepared people in our path. 

It's amazing the capacity you build over time to do things... When I first started the mission.. I wouldn't of dreamed... of skipping meals to work... of finding or teaching on P-day... nor constantly facing rejection day after day and continue to work happily... And I always find it interesting that the antidote to fix something... is usually ALWAYS what you don't want to do.... for this is how I've come to build this capacity... I used to hate finding... so how did I grow to love it?... I did more finding than I ever have to develop that love... Maybe one day I'm not in a good mood and I don't feel like smiling... So how do I get in a good mood?.. I smile!.. And be as positive as I can... It's just as Gordon B. Hinckley says.. "The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone else who is even more tired.".. For that is how the Saviour saved us from our fallen state... How do you pay the price for the sins of mankind?.... Suffer more than they can even comprehend... 

I'm grateful for Jesus Christ.. it's because of Him that we are able to change.... (I love acronyms and making words from them... so I recently made one for change...)

You can always C.H.A.N.G.E!... Because:

Christ &

His is called an infinite Atonement because you can use it and never have to worry if it's a burden or if it's too much for Him.. He paid the ultimate price of any thinkable sin that you could make..It can never be exhausted.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Lord's Timing

4 Mar
When I was with Elder K. Week 3 of Transfer 1 back in the City... we got this referral named Anfon.. so each night when we set goals and made plans to contact and teach referrals... We put on our To-Do List.. "Anfon"... Each time we tried to go it always got pushed back... because he was about 20min walking distance from the City so we didn't have time to go..And finally.. Week 3 of Transfer number 2 with Elder G... We had been preparing for Zone Training Meeting the whole day and still hadn't finished. But we felt just in the middle of it... "Hey... Let's go see Anfon!..." So we both agreed the Spirit was telling us we needed to go. We booked it across the City only having 1 hour to go see him and come back before our MCM... But as always.. on the way we got held up talking to people and giving out English Class Flyers.. But we get there about 5:40.. Super late!... And we found that the address was this place called 'Campus Lodge'.. so it looked like a phony.. So we were bummed but we were like.. "well we came all this way.. let's just go knock on it.. "... Then right as we were about to.. this guy walked out and was leaving then took a second look back and said.. "Wait!... Are you Mormons?"... We were like... "Why yes.... yes we are =D..." Then he introduced himself as a Less active member from Taiwan!... And he said.. "I'm the manager of this place... students lease a room here for a year when they study... I have 22 Taiwanese students who want to learn... perhaps we could organize a time we can have lunch and you can meet them all!".... We were dumbfounded... "Why yes..... yes we should have lunch with all of them ^_^"... Then I asked... Well we actually came here because there was someone named Anfon that wanted to learn here...
He asked the receptionist... "Do you know an Anfon here?"... She replied.. 'There's no one with such name that lives here'... Then he just brushed it off and went off on his way after we exchanged numbers....

We realized how PERFECT and amazing the Lord's timing is!!... If we had not followed every prompting to talk with certain people for certain amounts of time... for example.. I had 1 distinct prompting whilst talking to this semi-interested girl from China.. "Wrap it up.. Perishing souls elsewhere are waiting for you".... So I did and we got that just at the right time!... If we got there any later... The manager would not have been there... and we would've asked the recpetionist for Anfon... and she would've kindly said he doesn't live here... and we would've left... having missed the potential blessings he had in store for us.... And that's what it's like with any thing in life... you can choose to slack off on your mission... you can choose to not fulfill your callings to your fullest ablilities.. you can choose not to follow promptings... but just know... you are missing out on far greater blessings Heavenly Father has hand made just for you!.. 

Miracles are every where... They surround us.. But are we aware enough to capture them?...
10 Mar
 I have an exciting miracle for this week! So if you recall a month or 2 ago... my email about 'desire' and how when I was on trade-offs.. My District Leader and I found 2 New Investigators in the space of like 30-40mins... One of them... her name was K from China... she was progressing really well.. they were going to set a baptismal date with her until she said.. "I'm actually going back to China in 1 week for a month to get married.. I don't think my husband will approve so I probably won't join"... So that was pretty sad... but when she got back this past week.. she called up the Elders and said.. "Hey, I'm back!... And I want to join the church!".... #miracles.
I had the greatest joy though when the Elder who was teaching her came up to me and was like "Ohhh my goodnessss! I'm so happy!!! This is the best day everrrr!"... To be able to give that joy to a fellow missionary just by simply finding someone for them to teach... was priceless...
On top of that.. and just as great as baptisms.... is RE-ACTIVATION!... For rescuing someone who has already made those convenants is sooooooo amazing!... We were able to have 3 amazing people back at church this past Sunday!... Working with Less Actives is so great when you can have them recount their spiritual experiences... The Spirit immediately floods the room when it happens. But yeshhh there's a few miracles for you!
17 Mar
As for this week!!... WOOOO!!! It was an absolutely incredible week... BEAST... or as the spanish say... bestio.... We will be having 2 miracles this weekend.... or another word they call it... baptisms. C is from China.. he had been smoking for 8 years and has quit cold turkey with the 15 step program!.. He's truly been a miracle though.. The only reason he met with us in the first place is because he had a super powerful experience with prayer in China... and he planned to be baptized in a church there but his preacher moved so he had no one... then when he moved here to Sydney.... he met us :)

And on top of all... Tis transfer week... so even with the feeling that I have (of being transferred)... What better way to leave than with witnessing a child of God entering with Him in a promise... It is truly humbling... and a miracle... to be apart of the greatest work in the world... The gathering of Israel... I can truly feel strength whenever I kneel down at night to pray.. that I am apart of an +85,000 full time missionary force.. That not only you and the family... but people every where are praying for missionaries... So I thank you for continually having faith that I am able to do this with His help.. and with yours.
Mar 25
Sooooo the shock of the week! My companion got transferred!! o.O. So it's officially stamped I'll be dying in the City for my last 12 weeks! And what's cool as, my companion Elder W, He's been out 7 months but he's gun as!! He's from Texas, speaks spanish.. assigned Korean speaking.. and he went to Harvard majoring in statistics and economics... to say the least I love him..he's beast!.... And shock #2 of the week... FAIR DINKUM KATE IS IN MY WARD!!! Yes.. Kate Ball.. I've already seen her heaps! We went out to dinner last night.. it is like the weirdest/coolest thing ever!.. She's such an amazing returned missionary though.. I took her to Spanish class and she was going to town, teaching this Colombian investigator.. She's already fellowshipping and cleaning up the chapel.. every thing you wish a member could do and she's doing it.. #cousins. So yeah it's going to be exciting.. She's gonna be here when I give my last talk in Sacrament and all... I'll tell her to record it.. 

Another miracle.. Our investigator C got baptized!! WOOO! But for now every thing is going awesome! New Transfer = New Start... so I'm going to be applying every thing that I have learned and teach it to my new companion before I get transferred to NZ.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

#miracles everywhere

For a miracle though, we recently started teaching this Chinese guy named  C,this week.. our first lesson with him was amazing!.. He accepted to be baptized and shared about this amazing experience where he prayed to God for the first time in China and felt this overwhelming feeling of love and peace... He then said from that experience alone he believed in God.. although so many others told him He is not real!... We were able to share with him that what he felt.. Was indeed God's messenger.. the Holy Ghost.. He's now preparing himself to be baptized on March 8th!.. WOOO! #miracles everywhere.

We met this guy named J from China.. and we had a really good first lesson with him... and we haven't seen him in a couple weeks due to him being antied from his friend... but he decided to come back and learn from "Official" representatives of the church and we set a baptismal date with him for the 22nd of March!!.. MIRACLE!... It's truly a blessing and the investigators perspective truly changes when they actually see you as an Official Representative of Jesus Christ!...AMAZING! .

 Another RANDOM AS moment... I was on trade-off with an Elder and in the City it's super busy.. so I was walking down the street trying to spot a white shirt as to where he was at... I stopped and looked around for a bit... Then I looked directly across the street and this girl comes sprinting at me... And so I was just like... 'I wonder where shes going'... then she gets closer and closer... 'I should probably move'.... Then she comes and haults and goes 'CALEB!'....
It was fair dinkum Esther McCarthy!!!! She came up and tried to hug me and I just put out my hand.. 'I can't hug I can't hug!!!' Hahaha. She was there with her sisters Antonia, Genevieve and Madeleine!.... It was by far one of the top most random moments on my mission... And no joke.. like 10 feet away from where I met Victor Kim from Quest Crew... I need to go to that spot more often.. who knows who I'll meet next... perhaps Jesus.... But yeah she snapped a selfie of us so it may be on FB hahah... who knows. 

As for miracles!... Our Zone has finally reached a grand total of 175 New Investigators,this.month! The highest the Zone or any Zone in the mission has gotten was 109NI... And it's nothing to say about previous missionaries not being good or us being beast mode... It's merely just a testament that the Lord is hastening His work.. It's time to start breaking new ground... Elder Nelson just announced in the Ward Council meeting he attended that there was a stake trying to be created in the Baltic Region over 4 countries!... He said relating to it.. "We've got growing pains all over the Church!".. With the amount of trust and work that is happening.. It's time that we all need to step up to a higher sense of commitment than ever before.. And that's not to be interpreted in the way that we need to be amazing dynamic instruments as the Elder Holland or the Apostle Paul type... it merely means we need to be ready and willing to take any errand the Lord needs run... Elder Nelson said "The Lord uses the unlikely to accomplish the impossible!"... He illustrated that through many examples.... take Moses for example.. commanded to take the Children of Israel to the shore of the Red Sea... And then the waters divide and they walk through on dry land??? Unlikely?... Yes!.... And how about Abraham and Sarah... Promised to bear children... Every one knows that 90 year old women don't bear children.... But the Lord brought forth Isaac to them!... Unlikely??... Yes!... And how about the prophecy of Isaiah?... The Savior being born of a Virgin?... Every one knows Virgins cannot have children!... yet the Savior came into the world from the Virgin Mary... Unlikely???... Yes!... And last for example... a 14 year old boy... appeared to.. By God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ?.. And appointed to restore the Church of Jesus Christ in it's fullness?... Unlikely?... Yes!!... It has to be unlikely!!... that way no one can misunderstand who is at the Head of this work!!.. It is not by man... but by God... 

Ahhhh He went onto so many great topics but that was one of my favorite that he addressed!.. And the amazing thing beyond all.... During the whole course of the Conference... I felt the Spirit the strongest... during 2 specific times.... When Elder Nelson walked in.... and when he walked out.... Namely when he walked out of the building... as he came passing us on his way out the door... The spirit bore witness to me... and the words came into my head... which were not my own words... and whispered to me... "He is my witness"  ... I know with a surety... no doubt in my mind.. That not only him... but every normal person that is appointed as a leader for His church... is called of God... Once that mantle is on them... they are not their own... for God is directing them.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Extra Miler

I'll tell you another amazing miracle this week!

We had our Special Training from President and Sister Howes this past Tuesday.. Afterwards Elder K and I were organizing some things for the Zone and then the time was 5:10... we then had a meeting with Bishop at 5:15... so we wanted to set an example for the Zone so we went out and used that 5mins finding... we easily could've spent those 5 minutes being "busy"... but it comes down to the questions Dieter F. Uchtdorf asked.. "Are the things that are keeping you busy, getting you where you want to go?" We then went a little overtime getting carried away talking with people and were a bit late.. Bishop calls us- "Where are you??"... Sorry Bishop we're coming back now!.. He replies-"No.. you don't come back until you find 1 person to teach!".. (hangs up).... Hahaha. He is the man. So we took on his task and had the sufficient faith to do what the Lords anointed asked of us... Find 1 person to teach before we came back... As my companion was talking with a person.. I was following him... and then stood at this corner just scoping out the people... One girl stood out, and she appeared to be from Brasil... so I went up to her and went "Oii Tudo bem!"... (Luckily enough she was from Brasil.. that would've been awkward otherwise)... We got talking and the next thing you know... We were giving her a chapel tour and teaching her about baptism!... We then set a return appointment and added her as an investigator!... It was just so amazing to me that we were able to achieve it!... And it is because... We know who we rely on... our Master Jesus the Christ.. He will then recognize our acknowledgement to Him and then bless us. It's as simple as that!... I'm grateful for these small tender mercies... The attribute of the 'Extra Miler' conveyed itself to me as so important these past weeks... My first run in the City at the beginning of my mission.. we had days where we would just go finding for 5 hours straight... I would RARELY pull people off the street to give them chapel tours... I did it maybe 8 times in the 8 months I was there.... all the miracles I've been experiencing... I have pulled off maybe 12 people in the past 4 weeks!!... And they were all at times where we used our time wisely... It was the times where we easily could've done something to fill the 10-30mins we had... but instead we went out and worked... A thought that came to me was from my football days.. 'champions are distinguished in the little things' .. The football players that stay in the locker room studying game film while his other friends are off hanging out... That player who stays to work on technique while his friends are watching tv... We have now made that as a focus for our Zone and the results are paying off... It's super exciting to see how much influence we can have and raise the vision of all the missionaries here! And I know you can do likewise whatever situation you may be in... whether it be encouraging our less active family to do family scriptures, prayers and FHE... or even eating dinner at the table together.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


So we had a baptism this past weekend.. we were all going to leave together at 4:30pm to catch the train.. so we left the Teaching Center at 4 to go change at our flat... but we were trying to get in some finding time because we didn't have much this week... So we were talking to people on the way... And I saw this one guy walking in the opposite direction.. So I quickly turned around and started talking to him... Nek minut... He was legit as! We pulled him off the street and gave him a chapel tour, taught him and added him as a new investigator... So we were pumped as... by this time it was 4:15.. So we were like.. alright, gotta hurry back to the flat... But once again I saw this other guy that I felt impressed to talk to... And so I ran up and talked to him really quick... NEK MINUT... We pulled him off the street as well and gave him a chapel tour, taught him and added him as an investigator!... ALL IN THE SPACE OF 30MINS!... Luckily every one else was late and they decided the catch the later train at 4:50 and so we were able to make it.. The scripture that came to my mind as we were walking to the train with every one was.. "..I know that the Lord giveth no commandments into the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." 1Ne 3:7 .. A prompting from the Spirit of God is His commandment to us to do something.. We obeyed. He blessed us. As simple as that.
A funny side story though... I was talking to the second guy for a bit.. and I asked him simply.. "You ever thought about what happens when you die?".. He was tryin to be cheeky and was like.. "No I haven't... I don't care about it."... So I just said to him.. "Well think about it just for a second... what do you think happens?"... Then he looked down all puzzled after some silence and was like... "What does happen?".... #checkmate.
And as we were walking back I was talking with this missionary I was on trade offs with.. Of how promptings come in unexpected ways sometimes... And I look at these leaves blowing on the ground and they started drifting towards this blind corner... And I go.. "It's a prompting... Whoever those leaves go towards... is your next investigator...".... Hahahaha. This guy tatted up like none other and wearing all black and carrying this huge black case which looked like a bomb walks around the corner.... I was like "AHAAHHAHA... YOU HAVE TO TALK TO HIM NOW!"... And he went and he turned out to be pretty nice!... #missionarylife.

Another funny story.. and a reason why I love my companion. We were in MCM with our Ward Mission Leader just discussing how we can help the Zone and Ward... and we finished up so I was giving the closing prayer and in the middle of it.. My companions stomach hard core rumbled and then I had to say amen quickly before I started laughing... then our Ward Mission Leader was like... 'Have you had dinner?"... We hadn't.... SO WE GOT A FREE DINNER! Hahaha. That doesn't happen in the City often so that's why I'm excited to share it.

But wanna know something crazy... ELDER RUSSELL M NELSON IS COMING TO OUR MISSION! February 19th.. And it's an Australia Sydney North/South combined Mission Conference!...It's gonna be 2 legit 2 quit... finally we get our first apostle!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Miracle Always Comes After The Trial

We had the exciting experience to have a mini-missionary with us for the weekend.. He got his mission call to Japan and leaves in 1 month.. but he was with us Friday-Sunday.. and my goodness... The Lord blessed us so that he could have a good experience.. because if you think about it.. that could make or break someones excitement to serve a mission.. if he comes and we have a bad day... thats the only experience he's going to remember as he goes to the MTC... so we were praying that he would have a good experience.. and as we were waiting for him to come... We had about 5-10 mins so we went out finding... Then his mum came and talked to us and said he's waiting in the Chapel for us!.. So we go up and meet him.. every thing was sweet as.. We were just about to take his stuff to our flat to get him settled in.. When this Brazilian lady just saw the church from the street and walked in and wanted to learn!... We were like.. o.O ... (Mental WOOOOOOO)... So we gave her a chapel tour and taught her a lesson and she said she was going to come to church every week now! And she did come!!!... What a way to start off someones mission experience! The Lord was definitely listening to our prayers! 

We even had a random text referral from mission headquarters... No information but a name: C and his number... so we gave him a call and he's from Taiwan.. he agreed to meet with us.. So we meet up with him and we come to find out... HE'S BEEN TAUGHT BY THE MISSIONARIES FOR 2 YEARS IN TAIWAN!...So we asked him straight up.. "So why haven't you been baptized?".. He replied simply by saying... 'Because they couldn't answer my question.. Why do we have to pray in the name of Jesus Christ?.."... I first looked at my companion like... what the... is there a hidden camera in here?.. Like for real... why would that keep someone from baptism haha. So we then answered it and he goes... "Oh.. okay"... Then we invited him to be baptized and he readily agreed!... But here's the punchline... "Alright... we're holding a baptismal service next weekend.. will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that day?"... He then says... "I go home this Friday... I've been here for a year"... I just paused and was like... (Mental NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) hahaha. But it was such a great experience to be apart of... so we got his contact details and commited him to be baptized in Taiwan and he accepted.. But it was miracle as that his last week in Australia... he got referred to us and it was just the perfect time for him to accept this commitment before returning home... The Lord know His sheep. 

Here's the last 2 miracles I'll share this week... So the first one... S!! The investigator I've talked about a few times in Coffs! HE GOT BAPTIZED!!!! That's the 2nd baptism they've had in a billion years!!! WOOO!!! So I was super excited when I heard he went through with his date.. He actually got baptized a week after I left -_- hahah. But it's good nonetheless!
Okay... brace yourself for the craziest of crazies... So there's this Japanese guy K who's a Part Member family.. his parents were baptized but they went Less Active before he was baptized at the age of 8... But he recently started learning with the missionaries! He goes home in a couple weeks so we had his baptismal service scheduled for January 18th.. And his interview didn't go through until the morning of his baptism for various reasons... but he was scheduled to be interviewed at 11am... times passes... 11:30..11:50... 12....2... he wasn't answering... so every one was like dodgyyy as!! So meanwhile.. every one was calling me off the hook "Is the baptism happening? Is the baptism happening? Is the baptism happening?"... And each time.. I was like.. 'It's happening, don't worry".. But really inside I was thinking.. OhhmygoodnesssHebettercomeee! Hahah. 

It comes 3:30... and HE CALLS!!!... He said he just woke up and was on his way... so he gets to the chapel at 4pm.. his baptism is at 6pm... so my companion conducted the interview... and meanwhile I was teaching on trade-offs and we just invited our investigator to the baptismal service and he really wanted to come!.. so we finished and we go upstairs and then my companion comes out of the interview and says to me.. "I cannot authorize him to be baptized...".. So the sisters taught him in English.. and there was a little language barrier.. so when they taught him tithing and the law of chastity... he didn't fully understand.. so my companion taught it in Japanese and asked him to live it.. and he wasn't willing to live them!... So every one was devastated as!.. It was 4:50pm and every one was preparing to leave and we now don't have a baptism... so we called President and asked him what we should do... and he said to the Japanese Elders... you take him back in the room and teach him.. and invite him to live it again!... 

So when I first heard that.. I will be honest.. I was thinking like.. What on earth is going to change?... But I knew that thought wasn't coming from Heavenly Father so I quickly changed my mindset and said.. 'This can happen.'... So as they went to teach him... I gathered the Zone and some members to kneel in prayer... and when I offered the prayer.. it was simple... nothing extremely eloquent... but the faith and desire we all had... is what made that one of the most powerful experiences... when I said 'Amen'... We all looked at each other... and knew... the baptism wasn't cancelled... 

We waited another 30mins.. and I had members calling me saying they were leaving... 3 minutes after one member said they were all going home... the  Elders  said K wanted to be baptized! SO I quickly called them back and told them to stay there and we then hurried to catch the train and every thing... and 1 hour later... K was baptized!... It brought me the utmost assurance that the Spirit can soften ANY ONE'S heart... my companion said he went into that lesson feeling discouraged from the previous encounter he had with him of just 10 mins ago... yet when he sat down with him.. he said immediately he felt a change in K's countenance... and he was understanding more clearly and accepted to live them! This is a testimony that God lives and answers our prayers. He wants the best for all of His children. We just need faith to follow that inkling of knowing that every thing will be okay... For then... The miracle comes... The miracle always comes after the trial.. When we learn the art of surrender... to put our trust in Him.. Such spiritual experiences will happen... And that is how we maintain excitement within our gospel lives... by having spiritual experiences continually.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Excitement and Charity

So I'll fill you in a bit of what's been happeninnnn.... So when I got transferred back to the City 2 weeks ago.. President and the AP's told me they're sending me there to help bring back the member unity with missionaries and to spark the work back into the legendary city status.... NO PRESSURE.... Haha. So we've been contemplating on how to exactly accomplish this task... And it was indeed heaven sent that we got to speak with an RM that served in the City about 2 years ago when it was in it's legendary status.. He gave us some advice.. One in which taught me a huge lesson.. It's to be the example of excitement and charity... So the first time I had the chance to use this advice came when I was on Trade-Offs with our District Leader.. My goal for that exchange was to merely pump him up so he could convey that excitement to his district.. So I was praying so hard so that we could see miracles that morning.. and the first miracle started off in my personal study... I was reading 3 Nephi 28:1.. and Jesus asked this penetrating question to His disciples... "What is it that ye desire of me, after that I am gone to the Father?" I pondered that morning and asked myself... What do I desire from God today?.... and the thought came to me... I want to build excitement in the Zone.. well... how do I do that?.... Then I thought... 'I want to pull 2 people off the street... give them a chapel tour and add them as investigators!'... So we finished our studies and started out 10am on the streets in the City to go GQ'ing... Within the first 5 minutes I started talking to this Chinese guy named W.. He was heading in the direction of the Chapel.. so we were just walking and chatting about what I do as a missionary.. and then he stops EXACTLY AT THE CORNER of the Chapel and says.. "I need to go now to a job appointment actually... bye!"... then I thought... "My desire is to pull 2 people off... so I'm doing just that!".. I went and stopped him and just said.. "Awh just before you go.. this is actually our chapel!.. Come and check it out.."And I started motioning towards the door... AND HE FOLLOWED!... Then I waved down my companion down the street and he ran over and we gave him a chapel tour and taught him... and ADDED HIM AS AN INVESTIGATOR!... And he said during our lesson "I haven't learned about God before.. but I think if I did I would believe!"... And he accepted to come to church and continue learning! Sooo legit!... 

Now.. as we were walking out... to continue our finding.. we were pumped!...And at that moment I was pondering the counsel from the RM  to be the example of excitement and charity to your Zone.. so I stopped right there before we went out finding and gave him W's contact details and said... "Here... He's yours to take care of now... take care of him!"... And the Elder looked at me with so much excitement and was like THANK YOUUUU!!!!..... So if we were pumped before... now we were extraX1000 hahah. 

We went out and continued finding... And AGAIN... within the first.. maybe 3 minutes... I talked to a girl not even 5 feet away from where I met W.. and she seemed super interested... And obviously taking note of my desire this morning.. I said.. "Would you like to come and see our Church? It's just right down the road!"... She readily agreed... And once again.. we gave her a tour, lesson and she then said "My grandparents who never believed in God... Became Christian their last few years of life.. and I always wondered why that was... and where they are...I would like to find out.." she agreed to come to church as well... That then ADDING OUR 2ND INVESTIGATOR... within the first 30 minutes of our trade-off hahaha.... I then did the same thing... I gave K's contact details to the Elder and said.. "Take good care of her".... 

We then went to teach heaps of lessons after this great start to our day.. even setting a baptismal date with one of their investigators..

The lesson I learned from this experience is not only that of desire.... but how much excitement and charity can effect others for good.. The word Enthusiasm.. comes from the Greek word.. "Entheos" When the Greeks were asked to describe the way they lived... It was 'Entheos'.. Which meant-Having God be with you.. or Spirit be with you... So we should be Enthusiastic in every sense of the word...