Monday, July 22, 2013

Leave it to the Lord

Let me share with you some of the miracles... MY GOODNESS!
Miracle #1. We had this lesson with this lady in her 50's named R.. She's had a pretty tough life and has been Less Active for AGESSSS.... she hadn't even seen missionaries for about 30 years until we knocked on her door... We then taught her a lesson and she felt like she was worthless and unworthy of receiving blessings... and we felt prompted to share 3Ne 9:14 "Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me. " And she just began to weep and committed to come back to church for the first time in forever! It was miracle as! 

Miracle #2. My trainer Elder A found this Thai guy named 'N' on the train like 3 weeks before I came into the mission... When I was with Elder A for about 2 weeks.. N came for the first time to meet with us... we taught him as long as I was in the City.. so like 7 1/2 months.. And he was going super good, baptismal date and every thing.. then he had struggles with commandments and decided it wasn't for him.. it was truly heartbreaking because he was so keen and sensitive to the spirit!....And I never knew what happened to him.. I thought he just got dropped and moved on with life.... but... Just today!.... I found out on July 20th, 2013... almost 1 year later from his beginning of learning with us.... N GOT BAPTIZED!!!!  WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My old Zone Leader called me up and told me and I was completely speechless! This just adds even stronger to the strength of my testimony before hahah, that NO. EFFORT. IS. WASTED!... And we just have to trust God with His timing... these are HIS children.. He knows what they need and when they need it...

Miracle #3. We have this Part Member family here.. The wife is Less Active and the Husband is a non-member... They are like the most awesome, sweetest family I've met! They have the cutest little kids as well! So we started teaching the husband super recently and he's been warming up to us... we were asked to help them move and right before we got there like an hour earlier.. he dropped this lifting dock from the moving truck onto his foot and broke his toes! It looked disgusting as! So we went over to see how he was doing a day later and as we were sitting there we asked if there's anything we can do... And he goes "Yeah I don't know if you can cause I'm not a member.. but could you give me a blessing?"... And so we were happy as, we were like "Yeah of course we can give you one!!" So we first shared with them this powerful message and then gave him the blessing.. My companion anointed and I sealed.. And as I was giving the blessing.. The words just flowed out of my mouth like nothing I'd experienced before... And at the end of the blessing when we said 'Amen'... He was just in the chair weeping... And I was shocked as first... cause he looks like this pretty tough guy... but the spirit was so strong in that room it just went to show that no matter how macho-guy you are.. the spirit softens peoples hearts! And it was just a crazy powerful experience!! And right after we left their house both my companion and I just looked at each other and said "He's gonna get baptized"... 

Miracle #4. There was this Thai guy named 'P' in the city... He was a referral from one of our golden investigators. We lost contact with her in Thailand so we never knew what happened to her.. but P stayed in Australia and we kept teaching him... as long as N.. like 7 1/2 months.. and he just wasn't progressing and kept dodging appointments.. and he was just that type of guy who was wasting life away doing stupid things... sleeping, video games, drinking.. and I even remember getting angry at him one time for cancelling like the 7th time in a row for a lesson and I yelled at him on the phone (which I shouldn't have).. Then we dropped him as an investigator afterwards... I just found out today as well.... HE'S GETTING BAPTIZED IN 2 WEEKS!!!! This experience especially impacted me because you care so much about your investigators and you want them to progress so much and sometimes on your own time and you get frustrated in that sense.... But once again... if you leave it to the Lord and just love the people... something's bound to happen..

So there's some spiritually uplifting experiences for you!

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